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Powered by the Holy Spirit
Daniel Jeny Huisman


Hi, we are Daniel and Jeny.
We love God with everything we have and work as full-time Missionaries and fulltime volunteers to help the needy people wherever God leads us in the world.

The whole world will be
reached by the gospel of Jesus Christ

(Matt 24:14)

Mt 4:19 And He said to them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Mt 28:19 Therefore go and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Daniel his life story

I am 53 years old and happily married to Jeny since 11-11-2011. I was born in Holland and I grew up on the mission field, and the 1st of July 2012 I have completed 33 years in fulltime mission. As my parents tell me, my dad went alone into missions from Holland for the first time when I was 3 weeks old on the 29th of September 1962. Well, who would not want to leave as well with a little baby crying all night long? But no, my mom told me that I was a nice and quiet little baby. Actually many people still call me quiet. (But now when my wife calls me quiet, it does not sound good any more ;) When My mom would stroll me along in the stroller when I was a baby, people would stop my mom and say "Oh what does your son have beautiful eyes." As a baby when I received the blessing by Pastor Vader Karel Hoekendijk StromenVanKracht.nl he prophesied that my eyes would see the coming of the Lord.
After 3 months ; on the 29th of December my mom and I flew from Europe across the Atlantic, and joined my dad in Saint Laurant, French Guiana in South America. There they worked in Development Aid and Evangelical Mission.




Look at me in my bed at age 1 in Saint Laurant in 1963.

As you can see the mosquito-net over my bed, it wasn't only there to protect me from the mosquito's really, but mostly for bloodsucking Bats. My mom would have terrible nights sleeping, because she would wake up hearing the slightest noise, fearing that a bat would enter my bed. She would spend horrifying moments untangling bats from my net and throwing them out. After that (one year adventure) working with the South American natives there, my parents couldn't extend their visa and we arrived back in Holland 29 September 1963.

We lived in Holland for a year, until we went across the ocean again to live on the beautiful island of Curaçao where we arrived the 1st of July 1965. (And on the 1st of July 1982 I went into fulltime Missions myself too.)


In the meantime I got a little sister, her name is Caroline. She is really blond with blue eyes. By the time I was 15 she caught up with me in school and we were in the same class. When only after half a year her best friend in class found out that we were brother and sister, asked us really surprised, "What? are you brother and sister?" Even though she knew we had the same last name and went home in the same car.......

The island of Curaçao is the biggest of the 6 islands of the kingdom of the Netherlands.

Go to Curacao with Google Earth

The first years on Curacao my dad started a church in our house. One day while preaching from the book of Daniel from the Bible, while laying in bed I called out "Ha, he says Daniel". They thought that was so funny and they still remember it.
By the time I got my first little 3 wheeler I surprised my parents how fast I could drive it and taking a sharp corner at the edge of the porch. So no wonder when I was a teenager I liked Bikecross, and later Motocross.

When I was 7 years on the 1st of July 1970 old we moved to a huge beautiful 300 year old country-house Mount Pleasant.
It was a vision come thru to expand the ministry to help the people of Curacao.

Country house 'Mount Pleasant'

In this house I grew up. With a lot of animals on the farm and a beach nearby. When we arrived in 1970 only the Country House was there and we had a lot of cows and goats. 10 years later there were 10 more buildings with 10 vehicles. When I reached the age of 16 I asked my dad if I could buy a 50cc motorbike, to my surprise he said yes, so I started working a lot in my free time to earn money to buy the bike. We still had the farm then and the milk factory, so it was easy to live and work at the same place. My life turned around having a motorbike, suddenly I could go wherever I wanted and seeing my friends having a girlfriend on the back of their motorcycle, I also started longing for a girlfriend until found her. In the meantime my dad closed the milk factory when the UHT milk came on the market. 3 years later I felt Gods calling to work for Him. So I took on the responsibility of car mechanics and maintenance when I went fulltime 1 of July 1982 in the mission of my parents. My girlfriend and I stopped seeing each other since she was not so keen on me working as a volunteer.

The view of the country house to the left and to the right is the new church.

'Mount Pleasant' from the air

To the left is the Children-home.

Two of my brothers got married with the pretty young Dutch missionary girls from Holland working in the Children-home.

'Hebron' the childrens-home

Mijn taak in Hebron was om de kinderen naar school te brengen een aantal jaren. Elke morgen moest ik er vroeg uit, maar de leidsters waren al veel eerder al bezig op de kinderen klaar te maken. Ik werd precies om 5 voor half 7 wakker, gezicht wassen kleren aan, en zo achter het stuur in de bus. Vanaf het landhuis nam ik dan ook vaak mijn broertje en zusje mee en soms ook anderen, en dan naar beneden rijden en de kinderen ophalen. Ik heb er een keer een video van gemaakt, ik zal heb eens op het internet zetten als ik tijd heb. De kinderen naar school brengen ging meestal iets beter dan ze ophalen om 12 uur. Het was wel een zware taak om te rijden en tegelijkertijd de kinderen rustig te houden. Zo had ik toch eigenlijk alle grote kinderen van Hebron onder mijn hoede voor 3 kwartier heen, en 3 kwartier terug, dus anderhalf uur per dag moest ik voor de kinderen zorgen, en tegelijkertijd sturen. 1,5 x 5 dagen in de week = 7.5 uur, dus ik had de kinderen als het ware bijna een werkdag per week onder mijn hoede. Het was heel moeilijk om de kinderen rustig te houden, maar na verloop van tijd is het mij gelukt, prijs God. Ik heb geleerd om de kinderen elke dag te zeggen wat ze moeten doen, en als ik het 1 dag niet deed, dan ging het weer mis. Wat zei ik dan tegen de kinderen? Het waren meer de 10 geboden; 1) Zit op je stoel. (met nadruk op zit) 2) Je rug tegen de stoel leuning aan (Dan konden ze niet voorover leunen en aan elkaar komen) 3) Je tas op de grond (Dan konden ze er niets uit halen om mee te gooien, of zelfs met de tas te gooien) 4) Handen binnen houden. 5) Hoofd binnen houden (Anders dan hingen ze zo uit het raam) 6) Schoenen aanhouden (Ja het gevaar dat er met schoen werd gegooid was er groot, ik heb wel eens moeten terug rijden omdat er een schoen uit het raam werd gegooid) 7) Shirt aanhouden (Ja het was wel eens zo ondragelijk warm, dus doorrijden bracht altijd wel wat koeling) 8) Snoep voorin leggen bij mij (Snoep van een jarige klasgenoot gekregen, werd meestal in de bus helemaal opgegeten (voor het middageten) of afgepakt door anderen met het geruzie en gehuil erbij) 9) Stil zijn (Maar mijn stereo installatie hield zo wel stil) 10) Lief zijn want Jezus houdt van jou.
 Valt het je op dat ik nooit het woordje "niet" gebruik? bv, wat is het verschil tussen; "Niet staan op de stoel", of "Zit op de stoel" Zodra ik het woordje niet gebruikte werden de ogen groter en gingen de hersenen werken om zo gauw mogelijk iets wel te kunnen doen wat ik dan niet genoemd heb, en dan konden de anderen erom lachen. bv Niet staan op de stoel, dan mag je wel liggen, of op je kop staan enz, wat creatief zijn we toch. Het woordje "Niet" bracht heel veel wanorde met zich mee heb ik geleerd. O en wat een geur als alle kinderen uit school om 12 uur middags het heetst van de dag met z'n allen in de bus zaten. Toen heb ik mijn vocabulaire maar aangepast, en anderen ook heb aangeleerd te zeggen dat de kinderen dan naar "mens" roken in plaats van "stonken". Zo kwam nieuw taalgebruik aan de orde. Je ruikt naar mens swa!! Bo ta hole hende swa!! De kinderen school rijden was een leuke ervaring, ik deed het graag. Brood halen met de kinderen in de bus kregen we altijd het koor te horen Pana-de-ria Pana-de-ria, of als een mooie auto of motor zagen, dan die het het eerste zei mocht hem hebben. Dus dan ging het zo; "Tami kere tami kere, no tami, no tami."  "Ik wil hem hebben, ik wil hem hebben, nee ik, nee ik." Wat een lieve kinderen toch.


My job was to drive the children back and fort to school every schoolday. It was a heavy task to drive and to keep the children quiet at the same time. So I found that telling the children every day; Sit on your chair, your back against the back of the chair, your bag on the ground, hands and heads inside the windows, keep your shoes and shirt on. To tell them to be quiet and don't fight and don't throw with your bag or shoes or throw them outside did not help. I think seat belts would have had the same effect if we had them back then. But it all went well. O and of course a warning once in a while that I would stop the bus and put the naughty one out on the street did help as well.

Also I drove the "Karavana" into the villages.

Karavana di Evangelio 'Yubia Bendita'

Even evangelistic meetings we had with the Karavana.

You can imagine that my dad was a very busy man. He even built a huge big church, and a moment of rest when the building was finished.

The big new church

By that time I have made several mission-trips and have worked with YWAM and other ministries in Holland and in 1991 and studied Arabic and worked in the Middle East for 7 years.

Check me out working in Saudi Arabia.......

Me working in Saudi Arabia

I was working there with a landscaping company, and this garden is my product. Even though you don't see it, but at every tiny plant and tree there are water-drippers, and pop-ups for the grass in this desert. There is a maze of water pipes under the ground and a water-pump and timer. It can be so incredibly hot and dry in Saudi Arabia, that this is the only way to have a garden there.

The whole family Huisman 15-09-2000

Since 1998 I have spent a total of about 7 years working in Colombia in maintenance and communications in children homes and helped built houses for children ministries.

The last years I am mainly in France and Indonesia.

Each summer for about 3 months I am volunteering in a conference center in France since 2004

Since 2006 I am in Indonesia each year for about 4 months or more volunteering in a Mission Hospital.


See the part-time Mission work my parents do now helping children in the Ukraine;

Check out my favorite web-sites

Missions in Colombia:
Prison Fellowship Colombia
Ywam Bucaramanga Colombia
Ywam Leticia Colombia
Ywam Medellin Colombia Colombia

Christian sites
Bible Studies http://www.ccg.org/
Messianic Bible Studies http://www.ccg.org/
Global Mapping International http://www.gmi.org
Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Florida USA
Jews For Jesus www.JewsForJesus.org
http://rev-fun.gospelcom.net/ http://www.wml.sr/
CBNonline. The 700 Club with Pat Robertson - News, and lots of links.
Homepage One Way "Mission" - The biggest Christian conference every 3 years at NewYear in Holland. It was my uncle Joop Schotanus his idea to start this conference.
http://www.mc2world.org/ Agape.nl
All In One Christian Index - Main Index Jack van Impe; Jesus is coming back.
The CHN Newsletter Ecards - http://www.ChristianityToday.com/ECards

Missionary Organisations
YWAM International - Youth With a Mission OM - Operation Mobilisation Open Doors International Open Doors Holland

Christian Radio and TV
ChristianRadio.com - Christian Radio Stations on the Web! Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - The best Christian tv in the world. SAT-7 homepage - Arabic Christian tv station for the Middle East. 3 ABN TV

Christian Matchmakers Absolutely the BEST way to meet other christian singles on the Internet!!!
Christian matchmaker - http://www.ChristianMatchmaker.com Matchmaker - http://www.Christian.Matchmaker.com Christian Soulmates - http://www.ChristianSoulMates.com Christian Dating - http://www.ManWoman.com.au

Bibles, Books and Music
Mount Carmel - Missionaries can buy Music at a special price here. Online Bible - The best thing for you and your computer is to have a Bible on board. Free Bible - http://www.E-Sword.net Arabic Bible http://www.ArabicBible.com Arabic Bible http://www.TheGrace.com Online Concordance for the Bible and many Religious books Online Strong's Concordance and King James Bible Biblica drawings in many languages http://www.GospelComics.com Tracts in many languages http://www.Chick.com

Cults and Religions
Index of Cults and Religions Index of Cults and Religions 2 All you need to know about Muslims - http://www.Geocities.com/IslamRevealed


Useful sites
Translator Online
Money Exchange Currency of all countries
World Clock with Daylight Savings Times
Telephone Country Codes
World Calendar

Pinda Allergie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gezond opreis

Earth View - See LIVE satellite pictures of the world, see your city lights at night. Microsoft TerraServer - See houses by sattelite in the US. http://www.plattegronden.nl/ The Weather Channel Page N.O.A.A. Sattelite Pictures of Storms

Chat, Meet & Find people
My School; Marnix Basis and MAVO Curacao http://www.Yahoo.com/
ICQ (I seek you) - Chat online, see each other type word by word. Meet me at 23442582 Yahoo! - Christian chat, meet Christians around the world. http://www.startpagina.nl/
Your time
Your Date
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia  http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia
Indonesia time
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netherlands http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nederland  Holland.com RadioLuisteren.nl - Radio in Holland online.
Holland winter time
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile

Chile time

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curacao  http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curacao  Curaçao.pagina.NL The beautiful island of Curaçao.com Amigoe krant Radio Korsou FM
Curacao time
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombia http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombia http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colombia  Colombia.com YWAM Medellin Colombia
Colombia time

Tomb Raider Walkthroughs on the Web Games Domain Page - Games demos for FREE, Motocross Madness I like.

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All thanks to God almighty creator of heaven and earth, creator of you and me, glory in Jesus His name.


© 1999-2016 Daniel Huisman Updated March 2016